#About me

Hey there, welcome to my totally rad portfolio website! I'm Sudip Ghimire, and if you haven't heard of me yet, well... you will. I'm kind of a big deal in the web-3.0 world. No biggie.

When I'm not crushing it as a blockchain engineer (aka a professional wizard), I'm busy wielding my other superpowers - like writing, philosophizing, jamming out to music, and debating politics with my imaginary friends.

I made this website to show off my mad skills and connect with other like-minded, totally awesome people who share my passions. So if you're into music, tech, politics, writing, or philosophy (or just think I'm pretty cool), stick around and let's make some magic happen.

But seriously, no haters allowed. Only cool kids need apply.

#My toolkits

Hey there, all you amazing folks! I'm a software developer who's passionate about creating awesome things online. Whether it's crafting websites, programming cool apps, or exploring the power of the cloud, I've got the skills and toolkit to make it happen.

Whether you're a friend looking to catch up on my latest projects, a recruiter searching for top talent, or a founder interested in collaborating, I'd love to connect and see what kind of magic we can create together. Let's make something amazing!

Blockchain Development
Rust Programming
Substrate framework
Debian Linux
Web Development

#My dirty hands

Datahighway Parachain

Datahighway: where IOT data meets blockchain. I worked on maintaining the blockchain and adding cool new features, all while using custom IOT hardware to collect valuable data. Plus, some crypto games on the side!



Everyone loves music (I guess) and few love terminal too. For those few special people who would like to listen music from terminal with a pleasing tui and battery-included features


Primordial Shop

Yeah!! attractive hand made wears to make you ready to shine with. Primordial-shop is an e-commerce webiste based on JAMstack and powered by netlify function with too-fast page loading, beautiful yet simple ui and exactly no more than what buyers want to see.

Project Home


Sleek, configurable and lightweight one page portfolio theme for zola site builder backed by tailwindcss.

Project Home

#My Journey so far

In 2018, I discovered my passion for IT while I was still in school. My teachers gave me a great foundation, but being a wanna-be tech genius, I taught myself how to program and build real things all by myself!

After school, I kept on learning and growing. I joined internships, started freelancing, and even took on some exciting projects. Now, I'm on my way to even bigger and better things.

But I couldn't have done it without my squad! Shoutout to my friends who have my back, my family who supports me, and everyone who sent some good vibes my way. You guys are my personal army of superheroes, and I feel so grateful for all of you!

Blockchain Developer

July 2022 - July 2023

- MatchX GmbH
- Design, developr and deploy substrate-based blockchain from scratch
- Develop chain feature for staking and crowd-loan reward
- Develop chirpstack-dependent backend to communicate with IOT devices
- Experiment zero knowledge proff for zkEvm
- Rust, docker, IOT, backend, substrate, blockchain
- Achivements

Rust microservice backend developer

June 2022 - July 2022

- Felixworks
- Migrate python backend code to rust microservice
- Add unit tests to individual backend handler
- Design and plan the api structure
- Work on optimization to increase server responsiveness
- Rust, python, git, issue-tracker, microservice
- Achivements

Rust/Blockchain Developer

Dec 2021 - July 2022

- iBriz.ai
- Develop substrate-based blockchain node
- Optimize rust codebase
- Work with signature verification with Ethereum bridging
- Develop Airdrop, Crowdloan and similar custom pallets
- Setup and join into kusama relay network
- Rust, substrate, polkadot, blockchain
- Achivements

Web developer Intern

Apr 2019 - Nov 2019

- Codesastra pvt. ltd.
- Communicate, plan and develop in team
- Develop given designed ui and oversee basic backend function
- Deal with clients and document development process
- HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, git
- Achivements

High School Diploma


- Shree Tribhuvan Shanti Model School. Pokhara-30, Nepal
- First Year: Maths, Physics, English, Biology, Chemestry
- Second Year: Maths, Physics, English, Nepali, Chemestry
- Achivements

School Level Board


- Brahma Rupa Secondary School. Pokhara-32, Nepal
- First Year: Web Dev, Electrical, C programming
- Second Year: DBMS, Computer Network, OOP, Microprocessor
- Achivements

Basic Level Education


- Shanti Batika English School. Pokhara-32, Nepal
- Achivements

#Reach out

Pokhara, Nepal

Thank You for your time